Lam should give full account

明報專訊】EXECUTIVE COUNCIL member Franklin Lam recently sold two flats. There were suspicions that the transactions involved a conflict of interests and an irregular commission arrangement. He offered such explanations and others provided such information in the past few days that the conflict-of-interest suspicions have largely been dispelled. However, as there are discrepancies between things he has said about the commission arrangement, one may suspect some of them to be false.


In response to our and other media organisations’ enquiries, Mr Lam said on October 30, “I set a minimum price and it was agreed that, if the flat was sold at a higher price, the price difference would be the agent’s additional commission.” The next day some members of the Democratic Party filed a complaint against him with the Independent Commission Against Corruption. They allege Mr Lam may have committed an offence under the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance. He then said in response to our enquiry, “It is stipulated in the purchase and sale contract that the agent should receive a commission equal to 1% of the transaction price. I agreed with the agent when the commission was arranged last June that any price difference should be donated to Centaline Charity Fund. We would work together for charity.” Yesterday, Mr Lam said in a radio programme that it was his wife that was in charge of the whole transaction; that, when the commission was arranged last June, he wanted any price difference to go to the agent to encourage him to work hard on his behalf but the agent suggested it should go to a charity; and that, having discussed the matter with his wife, he decided it should be donated to Centaline Charity Fund and the agent should receive the conventional commission of 1% of the transaction price, and he was a bit confused in replying to media questions because both had to do with Centaline.


However, the statement Centaline issued yesterday differs from what Mr Lam has said in two aspects.


(1) It expressly says that Centaline declines any client’s donation as a rule, and “this time, following this rule, we would decline Mr Franklin Lam’s offer to donate any part of any price difference in respect of the sale of any of his Casa Bella flats”.


(2) It says, “Centaline has not accepted the suggestion that part of the price difference should be additional commission payable to the agent.” However, it does not say whether Mr Lam and the agent have come to any verbal agreement about donating money to Centaline Charity Fund. Therefore, Mr Lam and Centaline ought to clarify whether any donation arrangement was made when he commissioned the estate agent to sell his flats.


Mr Lam has admitted he offered to pay the agent the price difference as an incentive for him to sell his flats as soon as possible. Clearly, such an offer may amount to an “inducement”. The agent might have committed an offence if, not being alert or blinded by the prospect of gain, he had colluded with Mr Lam without Centaline’s knowledge. Mr Lam has done nothing illegal, but it is a blot on his character that he has made an offer that may go beyond the confines of the law.


As there are discrepancies between his explanations and available information and he may not be able to give a full picture of the affair in answering questions put to him, Mr Lam should, if he is convinced that he has done nothing wrong, gather information on the property sales in question and ask his agent to appear with him at a press conference, at which he should give a definitive account of the affair, answer reporters’ questions and clear up all doubts. Only if he does so will the affair be behind him. Unless he does so, another member of the Leung team will remain plagued by messy “scandal”. That would only detract from the administration’s credibility.


明報社評 2012.11.02

About phoebehlc

Leader is Reader.
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